Thank you donors!!

I just wanted to post a big shout out to everyone who helped us reach our goal — plus a little extra! — with a couple days to spare in the month!

During the course of this fundraiser, Matt and I also reevaluated our own finances and decided to really push Feldenkrais this summer, with two intensive series per month. Our wonderful practitioner is taking a large discount and I don't know if she wants it to be public knowledge, so suffice it to say this fundraiser will get us through a few months and after that we will go back to dipping into our own reserves. As a friend said, it's hard to know how hard it needs to rain before using one's rainy day fund, but I really do believe in this therapy and I know that now is the time to do it. (After the age of 2, the brain will harden and connections won't be as easy to make.)

YOUR generous contributions helped us reach that decision and have already made a HUGE impact in the life of a wonderful, charismatic little boy.

Also, please know that we intend to "pay it forward" when we get back on firmer financial footing!

Thank you donors!!!


  1. I agree with doing everything you can while he is young. Remember to enjoy Malachi and yourselves too while you're at it. And no despairing... My son still gains some connections and skills at 8. There will always be improvement.

    Also, thank you for being supportive of Christine when she needed to share:-)


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